Friday 11 October 2013

Spring has Sprung

October 2013

From the Directors Desk

Welcome to SPRING,
Hasn’t the year just flown by? As we are nearing the end of year it is important to let us know of your intentions with your child/rens care next year, we will be sending out letters of intent in the next two weeks for you to fill in and return.
As we have very limited vacancies we are looking at reconfiguring the rooms to meet our families need next year. This will be in place before the end of the year ready for a smooth start to the New Year.
Please remember if your child starts Prep in 2014 we sadly need to know an approximant date they will finish with us. Of course they are more than welcome to stay on with us right up until they start Prep, they will be in the Kindergarten room as the Kindergarten program runs term time only. All new Kindergarten enrollments starting prior to the start of term will also be catered for in this room.

Most parent’s and families have either set up Direct Debit or pay weekly or fortnightly via our EFTPOS, we thank you for this as it provides the Centre with ongoing income to purchase items for the Centre, pay staff wages and additionally allows us a seamless payment and reporting measures.
Those families who have outstanding fees will be sent reminders, please do not overlook these as it makes it hard for all when we need to ‘chase’ people for unpaid fees. Please do not hesitate to come and speak to us if you are finding it difficult to pay, we can arrange a payment plan for you.
 For families with outstanding fees and no payment plan in order your name will go to the bottom of next year’s waiting list.

 Sustainability at the Centre has become a priority as we head towards NQF with this in mind we have set up a Blog, it is only accessible to families and staff of The Lakes Early Learning Centre, all parents have been sent an email with permission to view the blog. It is a great way to display pictures and day to day happens of the Centre without excess photocopying and printing. If for any reason you would not like your child’s photo on our Blog please let Miss Elvira know as she is the authorized person to add content.
The Centre as a whole is looking at ways to become more sustainable, it would be wonderful if parents could provide any spare plastic shopping bags for us to reuse, if you no longer need them at home, also any magazines you have finished with would be greatly appreciated

Centre Opening and Closing Times
Our Centre is opened from 6.30am, while the staff are on the premises prior to this it is to open up and set up for the day, no children are to be left with staff until 6.30am. If the staff open the door beforehand please be aware you are required to stay with your child.
As in the evening the Centre closes at 6.00pm so please ensure you are here prior to this to collect your child/ren. Ensure you arrive a little earlier if you would like a chat the doors need to be locked at 6.00pm please do not stand in the grounds chatting as the staff cannot leave until everyone is off the premises, it is unfair to staff who have families, appointments and other commitments after their shift. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
We understand that emergencies arise and the Centre and staff are able to cater on those unfortunate occasions, as an ongoing concern our Insurance does not cover after these hours. Fees for after 6.00pm are charged at $1 per minute.

We welcome Miss Kerri, as Lead Educator in the Purple Room, she comes to us with a Associate Diploma of Children’s Service and many years’ experience.  Miss Jo has chosen to step back to Assistant Educator in the Purple Room to concentrate on furthering her studies, Miss Cody will become the lunch / programming/ study float in rooms 6 and 7.  

Thank you
Miss Adele and Miss Elvira